Approved by the Executive Committee June 30-July 1, 1980

Adopted by Vote of the Membership December 2, 1980

Amended in 1982, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006

    1. Individuals eligible for holding voting, organizational, and professional membership are assessed annual dues as determined by the Executive Committee, with the approval of the general membership.
    2. Honorary members are not assessed dues.
    3. The Treasurer shall send out notices of dues by July 1 each year.
    4. Members whose dues are not paid by 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting are dropped from active membership, are considered inactive members and are ineligible for the member rate for the Annual Meeting.


    1. The duties and responsibilities of the officers of MSACROA as set forth below include those required in the Constitution and those which are based on current or anticipated practices. It is understood that these duties, except those constitutionally mandated, will change as the programs and needs of the Association change. The By-Laws on Duties and Responsibilities of the Officers will be reviewed for possible revision at least every third year by an Ad Hoc Constitution and By-Law Review Committee named by the President.
    2. President
      1. Responsible for all Association activities.
      2. Chair Executive Committee.
      3. Appoint chairs and members of all standing committees. Give committees their charge for the ensuing year and give the MSACROA policy statement on committees to chairpersons.
      4. Appoint ad hoc committees.
      5. Prepare annual budget in cooperation with Treasurer for review and adoption by the Executive Committee.
      6. Serve as Association delegate to AACRAO Annual Meeting.
      7. Serve as member ex-officio of all committees.
      8. Schedule, prepare agenda for, and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee.
      9. Prepare agenda for and preside at annual Business Meeting and other Association sessions at Annual Meeting.
      10. Arrange for a MSACROA Reception at the AACRAO Annual Meeting.
      11. Serve as Association representative on AACRAO Regional Associations’ Council.
      12. Supervise activities of the following committees:
        1. Auditng
        2. Professional Activities
        3. Diversity
        4. Site
        5. Membership and Orientation
        6. Graduate and Professional Schools
      13. Notify persons of their election as Honorary Members.
      14. Present Certificates of Service at the Annual Meeting.
      15. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
    3. President-Elect
      1. Serve as principal assistant to President.
      2. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      3. Chair the Program Committee and plan the program arrangements for the next Annual Meeting including:
        1. Coordinating program sessions developed by the various Vice-Presidents.
        2. Arranging for principal speakers.
        3. Supervising the Local Arrangements Chair who oversees the activities of all committees carrying out Annual Meeting arrangements including:
          1. Facilities
          2. Conference Activities
          3. Registration
          4. Exhibits
      4. To assure the orderly and timely transaction of Association business, the President-Elect should be prepared to appoint committee chairs and members, in consultation with the Executive Committee, immediately upon assuming the office of President.
      5. Prepare charge to standing committees for the ensuing year.
      6. Serve as alternate Association delegate to AACRAO Annual Meeting.
      7. Serve as alternate Association representative on AACRAO Regional Associations’ Council.
      8. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
    4. Immediate Past President
      1. Serve as advisor to President.
      2. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      3. Serve as Chairperson of Committee on Nominations and Elections.
      4. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      5. Supervise activities and serve as a member of the Resolutions and Honorary Membership Committee.
      6. Present a list of nominees for Certificates of Service to the Executive Committee as provided in the Policy on Certificates of Service.
    5. Vice-President for Registrations and Records Management
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Coordinate work of Executive Committee relating to Registrations and Records Management.
      3. Serve as liaison to AACRAO Vice-President for Registrations and Records Management.
      4. Organize the Annual Meeting program sessions, professional presentations, workshops, etc., relating to registrations and records management.
      5. Submit written report of activities at the Annual Meeting.
      6. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      7. Serve on the Program Committee.
      8. Serve on the Professional Activities Committee.
    6. Vice-President for Enrollment Services
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Coordinate work of Executive Committee relating to enrollment services.
      3. Serve as liaison to AACRAO Vice-President for Enrollment Service.
      4. Organize Annual Meeting program sessions, professional presentations, workshops, etc., relating to enrollment services.
      5. Submit written report of activities at the Annual Meeting.
      6. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      7. Serve on the Program Committee.
      8. Serve on the Professional Activities Committee.
    7. Vice-President for Professional Development
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Serve as liaison to AACRAO Vice-President for Professional Development.
      3. Organize Annual Meeting program sessions, professional presentations, and workshops relating to professional development.
      4. Develop and coordinate professional workshops in addition to those at the Annual Meeting.
      5. Submit written report of activities at the Annual Meeting.
      6. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      7. Serve on the Program Committee.
      8. Serve as Chair of the Professional Activities Committee.
      9. Responsible for the Video Library operation.
    8. Vice-President for Communications
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Supervise publication of Proceedings of Association Annual Meeting, semiannual Association Newsletter, and other authorized Association publications.
      3. Supervise the activities of the Archivist of the Association.
      4. Serve as chairperson of Communications Committee.
      5. Order Association letterhead annually.
      6. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      7. Notify the AACRAO Vice-President for Professional Development and Regional Associations of the names and addresses of Executive Committee members each year.
      8. Serve on the Program Committee.
    9. Vice-President for Information Technology
      1. Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
      2. Supervise the Association’s WebmasterTechnology Center CoordinatorData Coordinator and oversee the activities of the Registration Committee Chairperson who will continue to report to the Local Activities committee Chairperson as well.
      3. Work closely with the Treasurer to assure the integrity and accuracy of the membership database.
      4. Provide and develop appropriate data support activities for the Executive Committee to include the areas of membership and conference planning.
      5. Produce membership lists and address labels needed for Association business.
      6. Prepare a detailed membership report as of November 1, including numbers and types of members and institutions represented for presentation at the annual Business Meeting and publication in the Proceedings.
      7. Serve on the Program Committee.
      8. Serve on the Professional Activities Committee.
      9. Submit written report of activities at the Annual Meeting.
      10. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
    10. Secretary
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Prepare and distribute official minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and annual business meeting.
      3. Maintain the official minutes of the Association.
      4. Prepare annual written summary of Executive Committee activities for distribution at Annual Meeting.
      5. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
      6. Order gavel for the retiring President.
      7. Order Certificates of Service as authorized by the Executive Committee.
      8. Order Honorary Member Certificates as authorized by the Executive Committee.
      9. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.
    11. Treasurer
      1. Serve as member of Executive Committee.
      2. Assist the President with the preparation of the annual budget.
      3. Manage Association funds in accordance with policies set by Executive Committee.
      4. Maintain clear and complete records of all financial transactions of the Association.
      5. Make no payment on behalf of the Association except by check drawn on the official Association account.
      6. Report on the current financial status of the Association at each meeting of the Executive Committee, including payment of each individual bill in excess of an amount set by the Executive Committee at the first meeting held after the Annual Meeting.
      7. Submit the books and financial records of the Association to the Auditing Committee for review just prior to the annual business meeting.
      8. Prepare a financial report on the receipts and expenditures of the current year, and prepare summarized comparisons with the two previous years, for presentation at the annual Business Meeting and/or publication in the Proceedings.
      9. Maintain the official membership roster of the Association, including those designated as honorary members.
      10. Send out the annual membership notices to the designated representative at each institution.
      11. Provide orientation for successor including copies of reports, schedules, etc.


    1. Policy on Committees
      1. The President shall have the authority to appoint such committees as may be deemed advisable.
      2. Final appointment of all chairpersons and members of standing committees is the responsibility of the President. Consent to serve is normally secured by the President-Elect prior to the Annual Meeting with appointment effective following installation as President.
      3. The President, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, may vary the size of standing committees from the numbers specified in Section III.
      4. Only voting members may serve as committee members.
      5. Consideration in making committee appointments will be given to affirmative action, geographic balance, and balance by type of institution (public/private, two-year/four-year, etc.).
      6. Attendance at the Annual Meeting is expected of members accepting appointment.
      7. Appointments are usually for three-year terms; however, continuation from year to year is at the pleasure of the President and is dependent upon a favorable recommendation from the previous chairperson of the committee. Ordinarily, no member may serve on more than one standing committee concurrently.
      8. Chairpersons normally serve for one year; however, a chairperson may be asked to serve for two years, in which case the overall term of service on a committee may be extended to a maximum of four years.
      9. All commitments of Association funds for committee activities, except those approved in the annual budget or by other action of the Executive Committee, must be approved in advance by the President.
      10. The first meeting of standing committees normally will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.
      11. The chairperson of each standing committee shall prepare a written report of the committee’s activities during the year including recommendations for the following year, proposed members, etc. This report must be submitted to the President by October 1.
    2. Executive Committee
      1. Membership
        1. The committee shall consist of the officers of the Association as defined in the Constitution.
      2. Responsibilities
        1. Set policies for the Association within the framework defined by the Constitution and the actions of the membership.
        2. Oversee implementation of the program of the Association.
        3. Approve the budget of the Association.
        4. Recommend special membership actions to the membership.
        5. Set the time and place of the Annual Meeting.
        6. Oversee the activities of the standing committees.
        7. Meet at least five times a year, generally in March, June, and October, and immediately prior to and immediately following the Annual Meeting.
    3. Committees Reporting to the President
      1. Auditing Committee (constitutionally mandated)
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President for three-year terms with one person appointed each year. One member serves as Chair and is appointed by the President.
          2. No member may serve two consecutive terms.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Meet with the Treasurer just prior to the Annual Meeting to conduct a detailed audit of all books and financial records of the Association for the past year.
          2. Prepare a written report on the results of this audit for presentation to the membership at the business session of the Annual Meeting and publication in the Proceedings.
      2. Professional Activities Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of nine members including the Vice-President for Professional Development, who serves as chair, and the Vice-Presidents for Enrollment Services, Registrations and Records Management, Communications, and Information Technology
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Consider, recommend, and implement professional activities of interest to the entire membership on a continuing basis and at times other than the Annual Meeting.
          2. Provide on-going programs of professional importance, including new technologies and research.
          3. Implement programs for the Annual Meeting which will provide for professional development of the membership.
          4. Respond to concerns of the membership about professional ethics.
          5. Develop activities which promote and enhance high standards of professional ethics among the membership.
          6. The Video/DVD Library operation
          7. The Library shall be managed by: Professional Development Library Manager. The Manager shall be responsible for: the purchase of new video tapes and DVDs approved by the Committee, maintenance, borrowing and shipping of tapes.
      3. Diversity Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least six members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Identify ways MSACROA can promote and sustain diversity within the association.
          2. Develop and present sessions, forums, and/or workshops on issues of diversity.
          3. Organize an annual luncheon or similar function which features a speaker who addresses issues directed at or pertaining to diversity.
          4. Provide general and current information to the membership about diversity.
          5. Promote professional methods and employment practices that contribute to empowerment, equality, and equity among all our members.
      4. Site Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of three members, a chairperson and two additional members all appointed by the President. One member must also be a member of the Executive Committee.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Explore possible locations for the Annual Meeting in terms of ability to accommodate the membership, based on recent attendance figures.
          2. Contact locations felt desirable for proposals to host a MSACROA Annual Meeting.
          3. Advise the Executive Committee of findings, and make recommendations of locations to be considered seriously.
      5. Membership and Orientation Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least eight members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Develop mailings and other techniques to promote increased membership in the Association.
          2. Implement approved membership recruitment activities.
          3. Organize and oversee orientation activities and programs for new members at the Annual Meeting.
          4. Maintain and oversee the Association’s mentor program.
      6. Graduate and Professional Schools Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least three members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities:
          1. Identify ways MSACROA can help meet unique needs of its graduate and professional school members.
          2. Develop and present sessions, forums, and/or workshops on graduate and professional school issues.
          3. Organize an annual breakfast or similar function where graduate and professional school members can interact and discuss issues of mutual concern.
          4. Provide general and current information to the membership about graduate and professional school issues.
    4. Committees and Appointed Members Reporting to the President-Elect
      1. Facilities Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least six members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Assist the President-Elect with advance preparation of facilities for the Annual Meeting.
          2. Assume responsibility for facilities arrangements during the Annual Meeting.
          3. Organize and coordinate the evaluation process for the Annual Meeting.
          4. Provide for audiovisual equipment for the Annual Meeting.
          5. Provide signage for the Annual Meeting.
      2. Registration Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least nine members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Prepare the registration materials for mailing to the membership.
          2. Forward Annual Meeting registration payments to Treasurer regularly during the preregistration period.
          3. Coordinate registration arrangements with the President-Elect and appropriate committees.
          4. Issue complimentary registrations in accordance with the By-Laws on Expenditures.
      3. Exhibits Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least three members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Invite exhibitors to place an exhibit at the Annual Meeting.
          2. Forward exhibitor fee payments to the Treasurer as received.
          3. Coordinate arrangements for exhibits with the President-Elect and appropriate committees.
          4. Assist in identifying vendors for possible sponsorship of receptions and promotions.
      4. Conference Activities Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least six members, one of whom is appointed chair by the President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Arrange welcoming activities for all first-time attendees at Annual Meeting.
          2. Coordinate the arrangements for hospitality with the President Elect and appropriate committees.
          3. Assist President and President-Elect with official Association social activities at the Annual Meeting.
      5. The Local Arrangements Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President-Elect, the President-Elect and chairs of the committees specified in D1-4 above.
      6. Program Committee
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of the President-Elect as Chair, the Vice-President for Registrations and Records Management, the Vice-President for Enrollment Services, the Vice-President for Professional Development, the Vice-President for Information Technology and others as deemed necessary by the President-Elect.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Develop the program sessions for the Annual Meeting.
    5. Committees Reporting to the Immediate Past President
      1. Committee on Nominations and Elections (constitutionally mandated)
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President (chairperson) and four members elected by the voting membership as provided in the Constitution.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Compile a list of nominees for officers and for the Committee on Nominations and Elections as provided in the Constitution.
          2. Conduct elections as provided in the Constitution.
          3. Provide the AACRAO Nominations and Elections Committee with nominations of MSACROA members recommended for AACRAO officers and committees.
      2. Committee on Resolutions and Honorary Membership
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least three members including the immediate Past President.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Prepare appropriate resolutions for presentation to the membership at the business session of the Annual Meeting and publication in the Proceedings, including memorial resolutions for present or past members who have died during the year.
          2. Solicit suggestions for honorary membership from the members of the Association.
          3. Review nominees for honorary membership in terms of the Constitutional and By-Law standards for such membership and report the names of those recommended to the Executive Committee along with supporting biographical data.
          4. Arrange for the preparation of citations and present the new honorary members at the Annual Meeting.
    6. Committees and Appointed Officers Reporting to the Vice-President for Communications
      1. Committee on Communications
        1. Membership
          1. The committee shall consist of at least five members including the Co-Editors of the Proceedings, the Editors of the newsletters, and the Archivist.
          2. The Vice-President for Communications serves as chairperson.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Develop a recommended communications program for the Association.
          2. Assist Vice-President for Communications with implementation of the Association’s publications and public relations program.
      2. Co-Editors, Annual Meeting Proceedings
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Communications.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Collect and edit materials for the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting.
          2. Publish the Proceedings on the MSACROA website.
      3. Editors, Association newsletters
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Communications.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Publish Association newsletter at least three times a year.
          2. Distribute copies to the membership.
      4. Archivist
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Communications.
          2. The Archivist may be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Serve as custodian of the official records of the Association.
          2. Manage retention, preservation and security of Association records as approved by the Executive Committee.
          3. Provide an annual report to the Executive Committee of activities to include an updated inventory and location of records.
    7. Committees and Appointed Officers reporting to the Vice-President for Information Technology.
      1. Association Webmaster
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Information Technology.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Create, design and revise information on Association website.
          2. Establish appropriate links with other professional websites.
      2. Technology Center Coordinator
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Approved each year by President on the recommendation of the Vice President for Information Technology.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Coordinate the securing and installation of hardware and software in the Association’s Annual Meeting technology center.
          2. Aid presenters and recorders wishing to use the Technology Center in conjunction with their presentations.
          3. Schedule personnel to staff the technology center during the Annual Meeting.
      3. Data Coordinator
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Information Technology.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Provide support with the data entry/maintenance of the membership database.
      4. Registration Committee Chairperson (Reports to the Local Activities Committee Chairperson, but must work closely with the Vice-President for Information Technology).
        1. Appointment and term
          1. Appointed each year by the President on the recommendation of the President-elect in consultation with the Vice-President for Information Technology.
          2. May be reappointed for more than one term.
        2. Responsibilities
          1. Prepare the registration materials for mailing to the membership.
          2. Forward Annual Meeting registration payments to Treasurer regularly during the pre-registration period.
          3. Coordinate registration arrangements with the President-elect and appropriate committees.
          4. Issue complimentary registrations in accordance with the by-laws on expenditures.


    1. Criteria

      A person nominated for honorary membership must have rendered outstanding service to the profession and the Association.

      To be eligible for honorary membership, a person must meet the following minimum criteria:

      1. Have been an active member in the Association for at least five years.
      2. Have made substantial contributions to the Association and its members through service as an officer, committee member, or participant in the program of the Annual Meeting.
      3. At the time of the election, the nominee is no longer active in the activities of the profession or region.
    2. Procedure
      1. The Newsletter should include the criteria for honorary membership along with a request for suggestions for nominees. The suggested names should be sent to the Honorary Membership Committee with full justification for the recommendation.
      2. The committee should augment these suggestions with suggestions from their own sources.
      3. All suggestions should be screened by the committee for conformity with the criteria, and, if necessary, additional information obtained on each recommendation.
      4. The committee should make preliminary recommendations for honorary membership to the Executive Committee by March 1 and June 1, with final recommendations to be presented no later than October 1.
      5. Selection of new honorary members shall be by majority vote of the Executive Committee on those names recommended by the Honorary Membership Committee.
      6. Certificates of honorary membership shall be prepared by the Secretary for presentation by the President at the Annual Meeting.
      7. The chairperson of the Honorary Membership Committee shall present the new honorary members and read their citations at the Annual Meeting.


    1. The Treasurer of the Association must be bonded.
    2. All expenditures are to be paid by the Treasurer by checks drawn on the official account of the Association.
    3. All budgeted expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer on the official Association expense voucher. The expense voucher shall be reviewed periodically.
    4. Any budget overrides must be approved in advance by the President.
    5. The Treasurer must report the current financial status of the Association at each meeting of the Executive Committee, including payment of each bill in excess of an amount designated by the Executive Committee at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting.
    6. Members attending the Annual Meeting of the Association do so at their own or their institution’s expense unless a specific exception is approved in advance by the Executive Committee. The only exceptions to this policy at the present time are:
      1. Room expenses for the Executive Committee members when complimentary rooms are not provided by the conference hotel.
      2. Complimentary registration material, including the business breakfast and conference luncheon for all honorary members attending the meeting.
      3. Reasonable expenses in connection with the President’s reception for all MSACROA committee members and invited guests.
      4. Room expenses for Local Arrangements Committee chairpersons.
    7. The following standing commitments for the MSACROA Annual Meeting are recognized and approved:
      1. Complimentary MSACROA registration for:
      2. Invited AACRAO and other interassociational representatives.
      3. For the invited feature speaker(s):
        1. Registration, room, meal and travel expenses.
        2. Reasonable honorarium to be approved in advance by the Executive Committee.
      4. Expenses in connection with the presentation of an engraved gavel to the retiring MSACROA President.
      5. Expenses in connection with the presentation of certificates to the new MSACROA honorary members and recipients of Certificates of Service.
      6. An annual dinner for the Executive Committee and Local Arrangements Committee chairpersons and, at the discretion of the President, invited guests.
    8. The following standing commitments for the AACRAO Annual Meeting are recognized and approved:
      1. Reasonable expenses in connection with the reception for MSACROA members attending the AACRAO Annual Meeting, as approved by the Executive Committee.
      2. All transportation and room expenses of the MSACROA President and President-Elect to help defray their expenses for attending the AACRAO Annual Meeting.
    9. Reasonable transportation, meal and room expenses for the following MSACROA committee members when attending official committee meetings, excluding those held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting:
      • Executive Committee
      • Program Committee
      • Local Arrangements Committee (only meetings of the LAC chairpersons; individual LAC meetings i.e., Facilities, Registration, Exhibits and Conference Activities, are not included)
      • Nominations and Elections Committee
      • Site Committee
      • Professional Activities Committee


    1. Criteria
      1. Members of the Executive Committee who have completed their term of office and who have fully and faithfully executed the duties of their office shall receive Certificates of Service.
      2. In addition, Certificates of Service may be awarded to any member who has contributed exceptional service to the Association as measured by such factors as the importance of the service to the Association, the length of service, the quality of the service provided, and the time commitment required.
    2. Procedure
      1. The Immediate Past President at the June meeting of the Executive Committee will present a list of nominees to receive Certificates of Service at the next Annual Meeting. Additional nominations may be made by the members of the Executive Committee.
      2. Nominees will become Certificate of Service designees upon approval by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
      3. The Secretary will order certificates prepared as authorized by the Executive Committee.
      4. The President will present the certificates at the Annual Meeting of the Association.